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graph LR
  A[Raw] --> B[Harvesting];
  B --> C[Expose];
  B -.-> D[Processing];
  B -.-> E[Storage]
  D -.-> E[Storage]
  E -.-> C[Expose]
  C --> F[Metalake]
  C -.-> G[Mint]
  F -.-> G[Mint]

Nucleus proposes a sequence of steps (pipeline) for the processing and decentralization of multimedia:

  1. Harvesting: Collect metadata associated with the multimedia content.
  2. Processing: Performing media processing tasks.
  3. Storage: Store the processed content in the IPFS network.
  4. Expose: Distribute metadata through the IPFS ecosystem.
  5. Mint: Create metadata as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
  6. Retrieval: Facilitates the retrieval and unmarshalling of metadata from IPFS ecosystem.

The pipeline is modular and adheres to the decoupling principle, enabling flexible use cases. For instance, the storage component can be optional if data is already stored on the IPFS network. Similarly, the mint component can be skipped if there is no need to create NFTs for the metadata. The processing component may also be unnecessary if the media is already prepared for storage.


Harvesting and Expose are the sole essential components necessary for operating the pipeline.


As part of the interoperability and metadata federation, Metalake emerges as a new concept in the Nucleus ecosystem. It refers to the "global metadata public good" stored in the IPFS ecosystem, serving as a valuable information resource where everyone can freely exchange information. The serialization process of the metadata determines the transmission medium, with IPLD and Raw Blocks being among the means used by Nucleus eg:

graph LR
  R[Expose] --> A[DagJose]
  A --> B[IPLD];
  D[Compact] --> F[Raw Block]
  R --> D[Compact]